bootcampDeveloped for public sector and embassy personnel, the Digital Diplomacy Bootcamp from BlueDot Strategies is designed to provide hands-on training for creating and implementing digital strategies for foreign ministries, embassies and international institutions. Conducted by leading experts in the field, DDC Board Members Scott Nolan Smith and Moira Whelan, the Digital Diplomacy Bootcamp is a unique experience that will build the skills of communications and public diplomacy leaders, social media managers and policy officers, and sharpen the capabilities of project managers, and senior diplomats.

Over 2 days, participants will gain

  • Insights and tools necessary to create an original digital strategy
  • Effective techniques for communicating on behalf of their governments and institutions on social media platforms
  • Tool kits for developing digital projects and campaigns
  • Knowledge of digital best practices employed by embassies and institutions
  • Project management and resource allocation for digital campaigns
  • Crisis communications planning and management on digital platforms
  • Skills for managing official personal and institutional social media content

Training components will include

  • What is a digital diplomat?
  • Defining your role. Advancing diplomacy through digital tools
  • Identifying your audience
  • Developing a digital strategy
  • Planning your campaign
  • Multimedia 101
  • How to be awesome at Twitter (and other popular platforms)
  • Crisis on digital tools
  • Beyond Social Media: Blending with Other Tools of Diplomacy


Click here to learn more, including costs, dates and location details.


This is not an official DDC event. For more information contact