An Exclusive Workshop with Sofia Gross, Political Partnerships, Snap
Snap is one of the fastest growing camera companies in the world, especially among younger audiences. This exclusive training for the diplomatic community and related multi-national organizations will focus on using Snap’s unique opportunities for engaging foreign publics. We will discuss best practices from within the digital diplomacy community, and you will hear pointers from Sofia Gross with Snap who has helped many governments and foreign ministries utilize the platform.
For this workshop, you will need to have a Snapchat account (personal or professional) on your phone and with you at the training. The discussion will be off the record.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Venue: Embassy of Australia | 1601 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC
Due to limited space this event is invitation only. Invitations are not transferable. The event is designed solely for members of government / the diplomatic corps and related international bodies.